This Fourth of July did not pass without the usual hot dogs, fireworks and a busted watermain. Yes, indeedy- a busted watermain that took 4 plumbers 5 hours to fix. It was fantastic.
Jeremy and I awoke Tuesday night to the sound of an idling truck outside our window. Annoyed (as it was 1:30 in the morning), we peered out the window to find a handful of fire fighters trying to figure out how to turn off the gushing river that was coming from our front porch. There is a watermain right outside our door on our front porch and it had decided to break open. Finally, the fire fighters turned off the water and back to sleep we went.
In the morning, after quickly realizing we had no water in our building, Beacon Plumbing was called and two trucks and four plumbers spent 5 hours on our front porch. We, unfortunately have another main in our garage (stupid design!!) and so they needed access to our place so they could make sure all the pipes were fitted correctly. Unfortunately, we missed my sister's BBQ but did make it up to Mukilteo in time to have dinner with Jeremy's family. A couple of strawberry margaritas later and I had all but forgotten the drama of the day.
I started to look up houses online today- I think it's a sign that we should think about moving soon. I love our place and I love Renton, but something is telling me it might be time to move.
Helloooo Mr. Fireman!
How many people does it take?
All that drama for a stupid pipe.