I am too tired to do anything but sit here and type ... slowly. I'm even too tired to whine about being tired. Believe me, I tried it. Sounds more like a dying cow.
A couple of things. One- I've decided that I'm going to start using Sarah Palin-isms in some my day to day interactions with people. If someone asks me if they can contact a client about a photoshoot- I'm gonna say "You betcha" and "We're all mavericks over here!". Then I'll cock my head a little and give a sassy little wink!
We'll see how long it lasts before someone clubs me over the head with a high heel.
Two- My grandma visited last week and it was a wonderful visit. She got to meet Isabel and I got to spend some time with her. I hardly remember my great-grandparents, so I am so happy that Isabel had the chance to meet her great-grandma.
Three- The house is on the market, and now we just sit and wait... and wait. Yuck. I know its not the best time to be selling, but I'm tired of driving around and I know the Grandmas would appreciate us being closer too. They do Jeremy and I an amazing amazing favor by watching Isabel three days a week. We are very lucky and I just want to make it as easy on them as possible. I know they love Isabel and don't mind, but I don't want them spending all that time in the car and on the freeway.
Four- I'm pooped. It's been a LONG week with lots of activities and I need a few days of non-eventful-ness. (Is that even a word? Probably not.)