Monday, November 22, 2004

Movie Review- The Day After Tomorrow

J and I have invested some moolah into being NetFlix junkies. So far we have seen Mean Girls, Bend it Like Beckham and Kill Bill vol. 2. Last night we watched The Day After Tomorrow and I have to give it two hearty frosting covered thumbs DOWN. This movie SUCKED. Not only did you have huge gaps in this plot, the acting was pretty awful too. Dennis Quaid uttered something reminiscent of Last of the Mohicans ... "I will come for you..." YAWN! Apparently, when the whole city of New York is enduring a nasty storm, some wolves had escaped from the NY Zoo. But when the whole city is flooded- most everyone is washed away. EXCEPT FOR THE WOLVES?! They show up again when the city has frozen over, hungry and pissed off. (I would be too if I was digitally created!) Apparently, no one has really survived this crazy nature roller coaster, except for the select few that are smart enough to hide themselves in a library and a pack of rabid wolves. Go figure.

Sela Ward's character is a doctor who has a very sick patient who can apparently only be moved in an ambulance. Everyone has left the hospital, as snow is falling like mad. Sela can't leave, unless she has an ambulance. The tension is almost too great and just right when I am about to fall off the couch with anticipation- someone shows up with a snow plow and an ambulance. Thank god! (Insert rolling eyes here). Miraculously, later in the movie, Sela and her sick patient are in some make shift hospital someplace sunny. How the hell did that happen?!

The movie ends when the few survivors are found and everyone moves to Mexico. The President says "thank you" to our neighbors to the South and begs forgiveness for all the years of treating Mexico poorly. Ah Karma, it will get you in the end, even if the whole world has to become a giant popiscle.

This movie is indeed a disaster flick- it's plain awful.

1 comment:

Katie said...

That is should get together with siskel or ebert...not the dead one.