Monday, January 21, 2008

Someone has the case of the Mondays...

Actually, today wasn't so bad. I didn't sleep at all last night (thanks to my darling little gestating fetus...I guess this is getting me ready for Motherhood) and after contemplating working from home, I decided to go in anyways. I'm glad I did- as I had a ton of work to do. I actually got some of it done (amazing!) between my 75 trips to the bathroom and 6 trips to the breakroom to get snacks.

After work I broke down and bought myself a body pillow, which I hope will help me sleep a little better tonight. Jeremy and I had a nice dinner at a thai restaurant, then spent a good hour snooping around Half Price books. I walked out the door with three in hand. I'm looking forward to reading all of them, I just can't decide on which one to start first. I'm counting down the days till April 18, when I go on vacation and wait for the kiddo to show up. I'm hoping some of you all will come visit me when I'm at home, maybe we can watch some trashy daytime soaps or catch up on all the episodes of "The Girls Next Door".

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