This weekend was a fabulous baby shower with all the "Mom's and Aunties" in my life. It was so much fun and it was nice to get together with everyone. I am slightly overwhelmed though- there is so much baby stuff everywhere. It kinda looks like Babies R Us exploded in our living room.
I came home yesterday and Jeremy had taken apart the guest bed and set up the crib. It was so sweet of him to do that, and helped me chill out a little. I was starting to get anxious that we had so much to do and we're running out of weekends. Regardless, all will be ok whether or not everything is perfect or not.
Miss K on the other hand, has been officially kicked out of that room and she's been moping. I feel bad for her, but unfortunately change happens! Poor kitty. She's transitioned pretty well, and I'm glad that we're doing it now instead of right when the Kiddo comes home from the hospital.
yay for you guys! are you feeling pretty ready??
xo, e
Ready to get this little Bean out of my belly- yes! Starting to cramp my style (and the rest of my body!) HA!
parenting secret #876 - you will never be ready.
muwah - ha - ha - ha.
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