Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs

Last night Jeremy and I were watching this show on the Food Network and it was all about breakfast cereal. For the life of me, all I could think about for the next hour was eating a big fat bowl of Cocoa Puffs. So today, after my swim class I went over to Fred Meyer and bought three boxes of cereal. When I arrived home with my goodies in tow, I had discovered that Jeremy also went to the grocery store to get me cereal. We now have five big boxes of cereal in our house.

This past weekend we attended the Varsity Boat Club banquet over at the UW. It was a nice evening in which they honored the 1948, 1958 and 1998 crews. It was nice to be recognized and see some old friends. I do have to say- seeing all those young'uns getting ready for the spring rowing season made me feel my age a little more. Especially knowing that I am now in the stage of my life where I am worrying more about babies and such and not getting up every morning to go out and row.

The countdown is on- 29 days to go! I pre-registered at the hospital today and it makes it all the more real knowing that one day soon I'm gonna be running into the hospital getting ready to pop a kid out.


Anonymous said...

if only we could have included breakfast cereals in your cravings collection at the baby shower...that would have been quite a spread:
apple pie
red vines
cocoa puffs


Em said...

God- how terrible! I really eat like poo don't I? No wonder this kiddo moves a lot! Hyper!!

Anonymous said...

its not YOU its the kiddo - that kid loooooooves some yummy foods!!