Saturday, July 05, 2008

Simple Things

Right now I am watching Isabel take a nap (I know it is kind of creepy to watch people sleep, but for goodness sakes, she's a baby) and I am having a hard time figuring out what to do. I want to feel productive today, but also feeling very lethargic. Blegh. Then I realized that for the first time in a while, I actually have some free time and I just don't know what to do with myself. So, I grabbed my book that I started a week before she was born and made myself some tea.

Then I promptly grabbed the computer and started to type. HA.

Another random thought- I really enjoy the Dixie Chicks. I forgot how good some of their songs are. Jeremy made this mix; "For the Baby"- good music that is ADULT music but soothing enough for the kiddo. We've banned children's music in the house (with the exception of one CD of classic children's songs in a beautiful spanish guitar) and so there is a lot of music on here that I haven't heard in a long time. Love it.

After a traumatizing trip to the doctor this week, we're all a little tuckered out this weekend and I am glad that it is a three day weekend for Jeremy. After his first week back, he gets to spend a little bit of time with Isabel and gives me a little bit of a break. A break to do some online shopping for this stupid activity mat that seems to either be sold out everywhere or is costing a fortune on a certain online shopping mega-store. I won't name any names, but it begins with an "A" and ends with a "". GAH!!

1 comment:

Rachel Catriona said...

No Cake Bible... yet. Our bookshelves are bursting and I have to say goodbye to something before I get anything else. The cupcakes stole my whole Sunday!! And burned me!! I might help my older sister make a theme cake for our nephew in a couple weeks. The kids cake book you showed me was inspiring.

Kid's music: a CD called For the Kids, covers of kids songs by some interesting bands. Love Nathan's cover of Favourite Things. You can find it on iTunes.

Good luck on your solo weekdays! K and I will have to visit again soon.