Tomorrow officially ends my maternity leave. It has been three months and one week since I've been gone. The past few days have been very hard, dotted with the occasional breakdown in which I feel like a terrible mother for leaving my little girl behind. But it is reality, and that is something I will just have to deal with. So boo-hoo and woe is me.
The insanely wonderful news is that Isabel will be cared for by everyone in my family, including Jeremy who will have Mondays off. So I really should just shut my cake hole and be grateful that we are not leaving her with strangers.
Today, I had one of those "Pretty Woman" moments while attempting to find a suitable "undergarment" for myself. I had walked into a certain Maternity store that sells undergarments for new mothers and had asked if they would help me. After measuring me, the gal pretty much announced to the whole store that I was too large and that they didn't have my size at the store. I was further informed that I would have to go to Nordstroms to special order my size as again, they didn't carry sizes for people as large as me. Pissed and annoyed, I left muttering to myself "If you don't want my money, FINE!" I was able to find decent help at Nordstroms, and the gal re-measured me and reassured me that I was NOT the size that the maternity store claimed I was and that I didn't need to special order anything. Gracious. I know when you have a baby "The Girls" go up a size or two- but I wasn't THAT big. I almost wanted to go back to that maternity store and ask if they worked on commission. "BIG MISTAKE. BIG MISTAKE!"
Go easy on yourself tomorrow my friend. I cannot believe the maternity store was so rude... Blech I highly recomend the hospital store if you are still in the market. Love that you have family caring for Isabel while you are away.
Seriously, and they deal with "my size" all the time, I am sure! If they don't- they are surely missing out on a large part of the nursing mother population!
Aunt Barb, says I was there before Grandma Betty passed away, and truly in Kalispell there were not undergarmets to fit, so while in Seattle visiting Isabels Grandma Betty in the Hospital - I took time to go shopping, but the best is the GREAT pleasure Grandma Betty had telling everyone that I could find those undergarmets to fit. I think everyone in the hospital knew but it mader her laugh and that was worth the story being told. And by the way Isabel is ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE.
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