Monday, February 23, 2009

Game On, Baby Weight.

I hope you brought your A-Game. Because your little gig of yours, of sticking those pounds around my middle- is over. 

Throughout my 40 weeks of pregnancy- I lived under the idea that the pounds will just "melt off" when I had my baby. Claims like "I was smaller than before!" and "Breastfeeding is the best diet!" was tossed at me like late night info-mercials. Visions of myself- 120 pounds, danced in my head. Fast forward to 40 weeks+ 10 months later and those last 15 pounds of baby weight have held on like Kate Winslet on the Titanic. Breastfeeding didn't work as well as I had hoped- possibly because I was not being super cautious about what I was shoving down my gullet. I admit it, I am an emotional eater. I eat when I am stressed, I eat when I am happy, I eat when I feel like "I deserve a treat." And needless to say- these past months have been stressful, happy and treat filled.

So we bring us to today. I have signed back up with Weight Watchers and having been trying to go to the gym on a regular basis. I realize that without each other, the other is useless. If I don't have a goal to reach each week, knowing I have to step on a scale-  then I will be a little more lazy about going to the gym. Each keeps me in check, each helps me be more accountable. 

I know my new journey will be hard and will be filled with lots of ups and downs. I guess if it was easy, everyone in this country would be 120 pounds. For now, I'll take each day as it comes and do it one pound at a time.

1 comment:

Mommy Callahan said...

You go girl!!! You can totally do this Melissa and be easy on yourself - in the words of Mammy "You done had a baby Miss Scarlett, you ain't never gonna be no 18 ½ again." :) Just a little smile for your day - cause who really has an 18 inch waist?