Monday, April 20, 2009

No Crying Tonight!

Sleepy baby girl chugged back a full bottle, said goodnight to her peeps and passed out. She stood up once to grab for me, but I just laid her back down again and handed her Bob (her ducky friend, thank you Rachel and Katy!) and she went down quietly.

We went to Tokyo restaurant again tonight and she made eyes at the sushi chefs with broccoli and rice all over her face. She's a charmer, that's for sure! There was one little girl in the restaurant who was being kind of wild, running around the restaurant and screaming. Isabel sat in rapture, watching this little girl. Man oh man, I hope she was not getting any fancy ideas or else I am going to have to invent velcro pants for highchairs.


Dave Pease said...

velcro pants for highchairs is an amazing idea.

congrats on the progress with isabel's sleeping. nothing tougher about parenthood than dealing with all of it on too little sleep...

Rachel Catriona said...

I heart that she sleeps with the duck. You know we picked it out because a couple of the kids on Jon and Kate plus 8 have them, right?

In Rome now and the food this trip is killing me. I am sure you can appreciate that. Gotta hit the gym more.

Rumphfamily said...

yayyy for sleep...we are having a tough week here on our side...something must be happening..teething...not so fun! other than that feels so good when they just "go " to bed like little angels!!! might have an invention on your the velcro pants idea!!! I need that for my 3yr old! love reading your blog!