Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Need Mommy Advice!!

So our little bundle of joy has been sleeping quite well for the last month and a half and it has been a fairly regular routine. Bathtime, feeding, in bed by 9:00. Wake at 6-6:30 am. This week, she's been waking up earlier and earlier. At first it was 5 am and this morning it was 4 am. And it is not like she's had escaped from her swaddle and she's still sleepy. I am talking about wide eyed, smiling at you, "Let's play!" awake. It is so frustrating, dragging yourself into her room, hoping to plug her pie-hole with a binky and have that be the end of that. Oh no. She's been messing with us too. She'll take her binky for a couple minutes and close her eyes. Just when I've collapsed back into bed and have pulled the covers over myself, I hear the monitor click on and she's whining again. This went on for about 45 minutes before I finally just got up and fed her at 5 am.

So my question is- WHAT GIVES? How did a baby go from sleeping well to torturing me with early, early mornings? Is she not getting enough food at night to last her through that last two hours of the morning before getting up? Dr. Shorr had said to me on Saturday "If she starts to wake up again in the middle of the night, you can go ahead and start feeding her rice cereal." (Not in the middle of the night, mind you- that would be crazy.) Perhaps Isabel heard Dr. Shorr and is taking matters into her own hands? Is it possible we created a genius mastermind? Mommies, I need your advice!


Mommy Callahan said...

Do you think she is getting ready to grow?

Presca Lynn said...

So that is funny, my little guy who is just 4 months has woke up around 5ish every morning for the past 5 mornings cooing & gooing & ready to play. (I am Katie's sister in law by the way ;) He used to get up at around 7:30 or 8:00

I honestly have just left him in there... I give him a binki a couple of times, but if I don't stimulate him, he will go back to sleep....and for a LONG time. He will sleep until after 9am, sometimes even later!! I don't make any eye contact with him. It is hard when he is SO happy, but I found it to work for me!!


Em said...

Yes, she's probably getting ready to grow- she's 4 months old today! Or perhaps her hair is growing more and she needs more energy to grow the 'fro taller and higher.

I'll try anything- rice cereal, formula... rum... just kidding. :)

enbi said...

four months already? slow down, miss iz

my oh my, how time do fly!


Simply Wed said...


Mom reminded me that when this started happening (now mind you, the girls STARTED sleeping through the night at 4 months!) we fiddled the schedule a little and did another mini-feed right before bed...same routine otherwise. Feed, Bath, Story-time, Feed, Bed.

Also, agreed that she's probably having a growth spurt. The thing is - sorry to be the bearer of this news - but it happens periodically for the first couple of years. Just when you think you're golden - BAM - early mornings or, worse, middle of the night wake-ups. Could be growing, could be teething, could be...who knows, I still haven't totally figured out my kids!

I don't think you need to go to cereal yet, though...neither of my pediatricians recommended it before 6 months old. That's just me being an opinionated sister, though :)

I just remembed another key thing we did. I started feeding the girls a bottle of pumped milk at night so they could get more. Granted this was different because of twins, but I wanted to fill them up as much as possible so I moved to this. You might consider pumping a little more to up your supply for her growth spurt, or even supplementing to make sure she's getting really full. Okay, enough of my ramblings - GOOD LUCK and call me anytime with mommy woes


Anonymous said...

I remember that experience all too well! Did she figure out how to do something new recently? Find her feet, make a new sound. . .anything? Bella used to change her sleep routine all the time when she learned something new and we would catch her trying it constantly when she was awake. She wanted to be up extra early to try out her new skills. GOOD TIMES!