Saturday, March 28, 2009


It is Saturday morning and I am the only one up. Well, I heard a thump upstairs a little while ago which means that Isabel threw her binkie overboard. So she's up, but not UP. For now, it is just me, my coffee, my phone and the computer. Kind of nice.

I've been waiting for the last 12 hours for a call from the hospital- one of my best friends is in labor right now. I was being all emotional and thinking about how much kids change your life. There are some positives and negatives to every situation and having kids is definitely one of them. But thinking about how amazing a new life is, often times brings tears to my eyes (ok, especially when I'm hormonal and when it is someone close to you). I'll save you all the sappy "Babies are so amazing" chatter- but the bottomline is that I am truly and utterly amazed at the miracle of life. 

Here I wait. Ready to jet off to the hospital at the drop of a hat, I'm eagerly awaiting the arrival of the divine Miss E and can't wait to be her Auntie!

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