Sunday, March 29, 2009

New Babies!

Today we visited our friends J&H and their twin sons J&H (huh, I didn't realize that until now, cute.) Isabel got to "play" with her new buddies a little before they were whisked off to dreamland. Baby J&H are so cute and so alert now. They are smiling socially and I love seeing babies grin. 

Isabel is standing on her own now and can push her little scooter car around. It makes me laugh so hard I almost pee my pants, seeing her push that thing. She gets this very intense look on her face and does her little geek laugh.

Elliot was finally born yesterday afternoon and she is a darling baby. Curly reddish hair, 8.8 lbs and 21 inches. So cute. I especially love this picture of her little piggies.

E did an amazing job getting that little girl to come out. I know it was a long, hard labor and in the end so worth it to see this little munchkin enter the world. Welcome baby girl! 

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