Wednesday, November 30, 2005

It's not me, it's you....

Or the other way around. I heard today on the radio that there is a chemical reaction for the feeling of "Romantic Love" in our brains. Coincidentally, it only lasts for a year before it wears off. Then, I guess you are stuck. This makes perfect sense to me know when I think about past relationships and how they never really lasted more than a year. Except for one, and I got married. It really does make me wonder about the notion of romance, and how really, no matter how many relationships you have, that little chemical will one day burn off. Then it is said, that relationships move into a more stable kind of love. Ah, is that what you call it? Not that I don't love being married, fellow readers. I do. It's great. But it seems so funny to me that your body "tricks" you into certain situations. Tricky tricky!

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