Monday, March 24, 2008


This weekend was very productive indeed. (Sort of). Saturday, Jeremy and I went to Ikea to get a new dresser for myself and moved the old dresser into the baby's room. This dresser will be repainted and made beautiful for the kiddo- it was my dresser when I was a baby. On Sunday, after all the Easter festivities, we picked up the changing table from my mom and dad and moved that into the baby's room as well. We're almost there- we just need to move a few things out of the baby's room and get things settled and we'll be all set. Not that the kiddo will be in there in the first few weeks anyway. But it's nice to get some things done.

I picked up some new swaddling blankets for the kiddo at the Land of Nod. They are made by Aden and Anais and are sooo cute and wonderful. They are large enough to swaddle and thin enough to use through the late spring and summer. If any of you are in need of baby gifts for other expecting mommies, I recommend these!

35 Weeks

I can't believe I have five weeks left. Seems so crazy, but at the same time, I am so ready!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

34 Week Update

34 Weeks down- about 6-ish to go! Let's pray for 5 weeks, shall we? The doc confirmed that the baby was head down already and that the little bump at the top of my belly is indeed a little baby butt. He also told me the baby's heart rate- about 140-ish. So all of you out there who think that maybe you can tell whether or not it is a boy or girl based on the heart rate- we'll take guesses and bets now!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Baby Shower

This weekend was a fabulous baby shower with all the "Mom's and Aunties" in my life. It was so much fun and it was nice to get together with everyone. I am slightly overwhelmed though- there is so much baby stuff everywhere. It kinda looks like Babies R Us exploded in our living room.

I came home yesterday and Jeremy had taken apart the guest bed and set up the crib. It was so sweet of him to do that, and helped me chill out a little. I was starting to get anxious that we had so much to do and we're running out of weekends. Regardless, all will be ok whether or not everything is perfect or not.

Miss K on the other hand, has been officially kicked out of that room and she's been moping. I feel bad for her, but unfortunately change happens! Poor kitty. She's transitioned pretty well, and I'm glad that we're doing it now instead of right when the Kiddo comes home from the hospital.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Lookin' A Little Like Katie Holmes

But not really. I just got back from getting my hair cut and I told Caryn to CUT IT OFF. She laughed a little and asked me if it was pregnancy hormones and I just told it her it was so heavy and HOT. So she gave me a cute little bob and I can still pull it back a little for swim class. I feel like it this will be the last haircut in a while, so I didn't mind taking a lot off.

I feel all sassy and swingy now. YAY!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Being Pregnant CAN Be Fun!

Jeremy just left to go get an apple pie from Shari's Restaurant and my sister did a Girl Scout Cookie drive by for me today. Don't get me wrong, I'm not just eating crap food all the time. Just one or two cookies or one slice of pie and I'm all good!

Sunday, March 09, 2008

32.5 Weeks

Here is me at 32.5 weeks, I'll be 33 on Wednesday! Baby is doing well and growing right on target. Dr. Dorcas mentioned that I had grown 2 centimeters since the last appointment, so everything is looking good. I'm getting excited with each passing week, I can't wait to meet our little baby.

Today, Eryn and I went and got our tootsies painted at Frenchy's and then went to DSW shoes to check things out. A very luxurious day! If you haven't ever been to DSW shoes- YOU HAVE TO GO. Just understand that it can be very dangerous, so don't blame me if you walk away with three pairs of shoes.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Fatty McFatster

Miss Kitty went to visit Dr. Theresa on Thursday for a "sanitary shave" (let's just say that she's getting a little lazy in her hygiene habits) and unfortunately, Miss Kitty has been gaining sympathy weight along with me. Poor kitty has gained A POUND since August. We had even taken away the All You Can Eat Kitty Buffet - but alas, that did not help. She must be hiding Twinkies under her bed or breaking into the cookie jar when we are not home. Short of buying a kitty treadmill, she's now on prescription weight loss food.

I feel like a terrible kitty mama, allowing my fat kitty baby to get even fatter. I'm hoping the food will help her out, slim down and get that svelt kitty body that she sees in all the Cat Fancy magazines. Kirstie Alley, watch out!

Moral of the Story- Don't Sleep with Waitresses at Truckstops

So I saw this commercial this morning while watching Food Network and couldn't stop laughing.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Doula Visit

Jeremy and I met with our doula Jennifer tonight and it was so nice to have her here and chat with us. Tonight we went over the Baby Shopping List and she helped us figure out the things that we need and the things that we don't need. There were more things on the "Need" list than I thought, but it was things that I didn't really think of. And it was good to know that some of things on the "Need" list, we already had- so we were in good shape.

She also gave us a ton of advice on feedings and taking care of ourselves after the baby is born, and she'll be back to visit us again when the kiddo finally arrives to make sure feedings and such are going ok. I am feeling more and more at ease with the idea of bringing the kiddo home, knowing I will have not only Jeremy here with me but a good support person to check on us and make sure all is well.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Strength in Numbers

Alyssa wrote me a very nice thank you note for her Barbie cake earlier this month. As a P.S. to her note, she drew me this adorable picture and voiced her sentiments to her choice of baby. :)