Sunday, December 28, 2008

I say this every year...

Thank god Christmas only comes once a year.

Again, Christmas was a whirlwind this year and on top of that there was the added stress that the weather brought with it. I am happy to see the snow melt away- except we have a massive mound of dirty snow piled up in front of our door from our neighbors who shoveled the driveway. I am so grateful that they pitched in to shovel, but not so happy with their decision on where to put the snow.

Isabel had a good Christmas, she totally understands what it means to open presents. Or really, she understands what fun crinkly wrapping paper and curling ribbon can be. 

Yesterday I poked around in Isabel's mouth to find something poking ME back! You can't see the tooth, but you sure can feel it. I think it is behind her bottom gum a little, but it is there for sure! Hopefully soon it will make it's arrival so we can get that goofy one tooth grin out of her. I can't wait!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Thanks for the snowsuit, Auntie Kirstie!

Here we are running to the mailbox in our little snowstorm.

Forgotten Children's Fund

I know times are tough for a lot of people out there this year, but I just wanted to say that we should not forget those who are extremely less fortunate than us. Even $10 or $15 would make a difference in someone's Christmas. 

I've been an elf for the Forgotten Children's Fund in years past, visiting families around King County and delivering much needed food and gifts. My brother's godfather was our Santa Claus and we had a wonderful time. 

In times when we are trying to pinch a few pennies here and there,  open your hearts to those who truly are in need this Christmas.

Happy Holidays!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

And you think I'm kidding...

Proof that this little Miss is on her way... and she loves shoes. :) Takes after her Mama.

Friday, December 12, 2008

It has been too long...

Things have just been so busy. Pretty much my life consists of: wakeup-get in the car- drop off Iz-work-get in car- get Iz- sleep. Lather, Rinse, Repeat. Work has been good and honestly, I am just looking forward to the end of December and the end of the holidays. Then I can at least take a deep breath and not worry about commitments, full weekends or anything like that. 

I am looking forward to some new babies arriving in December and some more babies arriving in April! Pretty soon Isabel will be getting her all her new BFF's and let me tell you- SHE IS EXCITED. Or it could be gas. Either one.

In other Isabel news- she is *THISCLOSE* to crawling. Today, she rocked back and forth a couple of times on her hands and knees and took a step towards a toy. Hopefully she won't be crawling too much until after Christmas- that way, we don't have to secure the tree to a wall or something. She is noticing the cat more and more and lunges at her every chance she gets. You better watch out, Miss K. You're about to get your tail yanked!

Isabel has her next check up in January and we'll see how much she's grown. She's getting to be quite the piggy when it comes to food- she'll polish off half a jar of fruit or vege and quite a bit of cereal in one sitting. I love it! I love that she loves food- it is so fun to see the expressions on her face when you give her something she likes. I'm excited to try non-jarred foods like avocados and fresh bananas and to try some of the baby purees from the baby cookbook. But honestly, I am too pooped for those sort of endeavors. Which reminds me, why the heck am I up right now?!