Thursday, March 20, 2008

34 Week Update

34 Weeks down- about 6-ish to go! Let's pray for 5 weeks, shall we? The doc confirmed that the baby was head down already and that the little bump at the top of my belly is indeed a little baby butt. He also told me the baby's heart rate- about 140-ish. So all of you out there who think that maybe you can tell whether or not it is a boy or girl based on the heart rate- we'll take guesses and bets now!


enbi said...

what do people who believe in that think about 140?

hooray!! let's hope for 5 weeks!!

Em said...

Apparently, there are some old wives tales saying that the higher the heart rate, the more likely it is a girl. Lower heart rate- boy.

enbi said...

so is that HIGH for an unborn baby, or low?

Persiana said...

new nickname...."baby butt belly." i am using it.