Thursday, October 22, 2009

Swimming in a Sea of Cardboard

The final countdown is on and I am packing up our place. This is the time when you start to ask yourself things like "What the hell is this?" or "Why do I need 57 different kinds of tea?". I am not kidding, I just filled an 11 gallon container with all sorts of tea.

The closer our moving date gets, the more I feel a little sad about leaving our little place. This was the place we brought Isabel home for the first time, the place she learned to crawl and walk, and lots of good memories of Jeremy and I starting our life out together here. However, I am excited by the prospect of our new home and can't wait to start a new chapter there. For a while I kept saying that this new house wasn't my dream house, but a good stepping stone for us. Now I am excited about being able to have my family over for holiday dinners, having Isabel grow up in a house with a yard, the potential of her being able to learn how to ride a bike in front of the house and more time spent with my family instead of commuting. So this house IS my dream house- a place where we can make all those dreams reality!

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