Sunday, December 16, 2007

Island Princess Extravaganza!

This weekend was Emily's 4th Birthday Party. All year long the nieces ask me to make certain kinds of birthday cakes for them. Sometimes it varies, sometimes it stays the same. This year, Emily asked for a Barbie cake. When my sister and I were trying to figure out what kind of Barbie to get, it was determined that the "Island Princess Barbie with the Peacock thingee" would do. I managed to find the dress up outfit of the I. P. Barbie at Target and thought it would be cute if Emily matched her cake.

Behold- the Island Princess Barbie cake. Call me crazy, but apparently the Island Princess's side-kick is a red panda- but it looks like a racoon to me. I didn't realize that racoons lived on islands.

Even though I felt like complete poo this weekend- there is nothing better than seeing the excitement and smiles from my nieces when they realize that their birthday cake is a Barbie. The first thing that Alyssa asked me when I walked up to the door was "Where's the Cake?!"

Having Emily call me on the phone later that night to say: "ThankyouTitaformyIslandPrincessCakeanddressupoutfit" was worth trudging through my cold to get the cake done.


Anonymous said...

i know what kind of caking i am asking for my 30th! ahahahahah.

Katie said...

you really outdid yourself there Melissa - nice work. What about getting a spot on the cake of aces?

Anonymous said...

How did you make that cake?? I would like my local baker to try something like that and it would help if I had some info for them. It is beautiful!!