Friday, October 24, 2008

6 Month Check Up

Today was Isabel's 6 month check up with Dr. Shorr. She's still a tall one, but now instead of 95% for height, she's 97%! So she definitely takes after her daddy!

97% height (28.25 inches)
80% weight (17.7 pounds)
85% head circumference

Jeremy and I both like Dr. Shorr a lot. He's very helpful, gives us a lot of good information for Isabel and is really good with her. He even asked us to bring in a picture of her in her Halloween costume.

The last week has just been sleeping hell. She's been waking up in the middle of the night crying and it has been so hard. Dr. Shorr definitely thinks that her chompers will break through in the next month or so, and attributes the night waking to the pain in her gums. In addition to that he also thinks at the rate she is growing that she's going to need more food during the day. So, onward we trudge, hoping each night gets a little better.

We finally had someone stop by to see the house, so I'm crossing my fingers that someone falls in love with it soon. It would be so great to get that going before the holidays!

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