Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Celebrity Chef!

If I were stranded on a desert island, I would want only the bare essentials... fresh water, a good shelter and Food Network. I luhhv Food Network. It's like my version of catnip- I just have to flip on the tube and can watch people prepare and cook food all day long. It's a sickness really...

One of my favorite shows that is no longer on, was A Cook's Tour with Chef Tony Bourdain. A chain smoking, leather jacket wearing smartass- he embodies the word ADVENTURE. He travels all over the world, experiencing life and the cuisine it has to offer. Nothing is too much of a "delicacy" for him- beating Cobra hearts, fried iguana, you name it- I am sure he's tried it. In fact, Tony Bourdain actually introduced me and Jeremy to the French Laundry in Napa Valley (well, not personally). It was on his show when we decided that the French Laundry was a place we had to go! (And go we did!)

Yesterday, Tony Bourdain was signing copies of his newest cookbook at Sur la Table in the Pike Place Market. I didn't get the chance to get a signed copy, but I did get my picture taken with him! Well... sorta...

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